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Sweet spot

Mark Braunias has won the $25,000 Parkin Drawing Prize sponsored by arts patron, and philanthropist Chris Parkin with In search of the Saccharine Underground.

Mark Braunias - In Search of the Saccharine Underground

Dr Sarah Farrar, the judge for this year’s Parkin Drawing Prize, says Mark Braunias’ artwork “kept pulling me into its orbit. Its raucous energy is irrepressible and hard to ignore.”

Using ink and acrylic on industrial builders’ paper, Braunias says the piece is “very much a halfway point between drawing and painting”. He describes the work as brightly sketched-in “Kiddy” colours oscillating in and around seemingly “cartoonish” forms and shapes “drawn with serious formal intent.”

All the finalist art works are exhibited at the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts’ Academy Galleries until 29 August.


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